THE festival du documentaire à VOLDA!

Dokumentar Volda festival_2010 from Catelot Clémence on Vimeo.
During the second semester we could work on team for some volunteer projects.
The documentary festival in Volda was the main project. To realized this 20/30seconds of animation we had to work on team with other students.

It's a real international projects : Norwegian, Czech, English, and French worked on it!

Daniel Riekley found the main idea (travelling) and most of the design graphic of Volda's documentary festival introduction.
I worked as well in the design graphic and realised a huge part of the compositing on After Effect (not the introduction before the forest). Some other people worked on some small animations inside (skier, sheep, octopus...).
We realised 5 different endings to have one each days!

It was fun and as usual really interesting to work with other people!

PS : ohh put%+* les calques 3D....un rendering a n'en pluuuus finir! avec Marion on a bien cru baisser les bras quand à la haute résolution... Mais parce qu'on est Françaises pleines de courage... C'est une victoire qui l'emporte!
PS : et avec ce festival on a pleinnns de produit dérivé... des bracelets, des T shirt, des sac, des posters... on était très HEUREUX... Parce que quand on est Erasmus ce qui est gratuit... est prit!